Yes, the product you receive will match the images displayed on our website. At AphroDainty, we strive to ensure that the product photos accurately reflect the items available for purchase. However, please note that slight variations in color may occur due to differences in monitor settings or lighting during photography. Rest assured, all products undergo thorough inspection to guarantee their quality and integrity before shipping.
Once your purchase is complete, a sales receipt will be sent to the email address provided during checkout. You can also view your receipt by logging into your AphroDainty account and navigating to the "Orders" section, where you'll find all your past orders, including downloadable receipts.
For hygiene and safety reasons, we do not accept returns on lingerie under any circumstances. This ensures that all customers receive brand-new, uncompromised products.
If you have questions before making a purchase, our team is happy to assist!
Yes, we will restock items as long as they are not discontinued. Typically, restocks occur within one month, provided there are no delays.
Currently, AphroDainty delivers orders in and around Georgetown. We are constantly working on expanding our delivery areas in the future. Once your order is processed, you will receive details and regular updates to monitor its delivery status.
You can reach out to our team for updates on your order.